This year I walked down the proverbial aisle as many of my lovely brides that I've painted had.  Of course, in our case, the aisle was built of varied multi-colored rugs, lanterns, and tucked beneath our own apple trees on our property. 

I had a photographer, caterers, and a band from South America (El Caribefunk) accompanied by Amber Rae of the Swinging Foxes and Ryan Tennis, two Philadelphia musical fixtures.  But where was our live event painter?  Ultimately, the painting must come from mine or an associate's hand, but it is in progress.  First things first, I must paint for my audience with the inclusion of a painting for an aunt who married in Positano and neighbors who have renewed their vows.  Somehow, I was able to tuck my own wedding in between the events I travel to each weekend and on many weekday evenings.  It was heavenly!